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Intel presenta il business case di EXE.IT e Lenovo



Intel presenta il business case di EXE.IT e Lenovo

“Of all the solutions we considered, only the Lenovo ThinkAgile CP platform delivered the right balance of performance density, availability and scalability that we needed.”

– Gianluigi Capra, CEO, EXE.IT

Lenovo Intel[Scopri di più sul sito ufficiale Intel]

Anche Intel ha presentato ufficialmente sul proprio sito la case di Exe.it, realizzata sul cluster di produzione ThinkAgile CP6000: 

EXE.IT is an IT services provider focused on delivering quality cloud services with sustainable, green computing. Working closely with Lenovo, EXE.IT implemented a ThinkAgile CP6000 cluster featuring 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors. EXE.IT also runs a Lenovo ThinkSystem SR650 server, which features a combination of fast, low-latency Intel® Optane™ SSDs and high-capacity Intel® 3D NAND SSDs that helps optimize storage performance, building high availability and redundancy into the data center infrastructure.

[Scopri cosa abbiamo realizzato, prova il configuratore VDC]


 Fonte dell’articolo: Intel.com